Title Image: CEO, Jonathan Berte and Director of Healthcare, Stephane Willaert.

World’s Largest Medical Conference

Robovision travelled to the annual Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) conference to showcase its AI-enabled healthcare solution for doctors and radiologists. The RSNA Conference is world’s largest annual-medical imaging conference bringing together radiologists from 31 radiologic specialties from over 145 countries. Robovision was represented by CEO, Jonathan Berte and Director of Healthcare, Stephane Willaert.

Redefining Radiology

This year’s theme was Redefining Radiology. The focus was on innovation in the healthcare industry and state-of-the-art radiological solutions. Berte and Willaert presented Robovision as a unique collaborative approach for building AI-based medical-grade solutions for imaging analysis and diagnosis.

Robovision has worked together with industry experts over number of years to build a web-based platform able to both allow medical experts to work collaboratively and scale labelling capabilities. With this expert knowledge, Robovision has created dependable and reliable AI-based solutions which translate hypotheses into reality and integrate seamlessly into existing healthcare workflows.

Specialists can use the Robovision AI-enabled platform to increase efficiency in the imaging department. In addition, Robovision facilitates a partnership whereby healthcare institutions can earn revenue from co-creation by licencing it to other hospitals and clinics.

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AI solutions for Healthcare