Becoming Tech Allies

24 targets for the EU-US Trade & Technology Council (TTC) by 2024

Aligning EU-US Digital Targets

The Becoming Tech Allies report outlines a detail proposal of 24 key digital targets for the EU-US Trade & Technology Council (TTC). It is the sincere aim of DIGITALEUROPE to realign the EU-US relationship to deliver these targets before the EU parliamentary and US general election in 2024. The targets laid out by DIGITALEUROPE in the report include:

  • Establish a Transatlantic Green Technology Alliance;
  • Set joint standards for artificial intelligence and cybersecurity;
  • Promote digital inclusion with a goal of 50% of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using big data analytics and ensure 30% of ICT specialists are women.

Healthcare & Data Transfers

Robovision is featured in the “Healthcare” section of the report where the CEO and co-founder of Robovision, Jonathan Berte, is quoted as saying: 

AI has the power to improve healthcare outcomes, for which it needs data. It will be key to aggregate data sets from the US and EU to build representative and effective solutions, therefore we need a sustainable and clear agreement for transatlantic data transfers.

Amongst the ambitions listed for healthcare, it includes establishing a joint task force for health, developing a coherent approach to data access and processing and drawing up a set of contractual clauses for transatlantic health data transfer. 


DIGITALEUROPE is the leading trade association of the digitally advanced industries in Europe. It is the aim of DIGITALEUROPE to shape the industry policy on legislative matters. DIGITALEUROPE represents over 35,000 businesses in Europe.


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More Information

External Link: “Digital industry urges the EU-US Trade & Technology Council to deliver”